Picture of You
February 26, 2012 9:41 AM
A driving four-on-the-floor guitar song recorded by my band Boeufcake.
Inspired after coming across this old picture from a road trip when I was like 20. 41 year old me is reflecting on the freedom of youth. I wrote, played guitar and sang.
For anyone interested, we are playing in Seattle next Saturday night March 3 at Bogart's on Airport Way in Georgetown. This is a skeezy sports bar, but it will be taken over by friends of the bands for the night. Strong drinks. $5 cover. Would *love* to see Mefites.
posted by Slarty Bartfast
Inspired after coming across this old picture from a road trip when I was like 20. 41 year old me is reflecting on the freedom of youth. I wrote, played guitar and sang.
For anyone interested, we are playing in Seattle next Saturday night March 3 at Bogart's on Airport Way in Georgetown. This is a skeezy sports bar, but it will be taken over by friends of the bands for the night. Strong drinks. $5 cover. Would *love* to see Mefites.
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