Exploratory Songery

May 19, 2013 3:36 AM

A dilettante's first blush at Ableton Live and a MicrKORG

This is raw and craptaculonicular (live loops poorly sync3d and performed and no drums) but I'll post 1t for posterity before someone jacks the lead synth part from my brain since I don't wear a tinfoil hat because it makes me look fat and is also a sign of paranoia. L3t me know if you've heard the lead melody before, because I wants to invents a new genre of the tetch-n0es.

posted by lordaych (1 comment total)

I found the timing hard to get round, but when it was all together it sounded good, it's got a mega 80s vibe!

I think some judicious quantizing might be what you need here rather than syncing up loops, but I don't know Ableton Live very well so I can't really say for sure.
posted by greenish at 2:38 AM on May 22, 2013

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