In A Soylent Way

May 17, 2014 7:10 PM

Carbon 7 doing our mellowest, jazziest thing yet. Joined again by flautist Fred Mitchim. Kept to a pretty sleek 9 minutes.

Pretty much the same piece as "A Final Word From Our Sponsor," which I posted a few months back, (this one pre-dates it) but more down-tempo & more controlled. It doesn't go off into space like most of our stuff, but rather hugs one theme pretty closely. Of course the title is a tip of the hat to the Miles classic, which we in no way even pretend to approach - but rather gape in awe at & hope to offer up some weak shadow of an emulation.

The composition is utterly improvisational. In no way, shape, or form did we discuss the piece except I think I said "Let's do a mellow one." Whenever we add a 4th person, the core 3 of us have a standing agreement to try to play 25% fewer notes to give that person space, which I think helps immensely sometimes.

Music for picking the sticker-burrs from your long-haired dog or cat, packing clothes for a warm vacation destination, or yoga. The tantric kind is fine by me.

posted by Devils Rancher (2 comments total)

this one made me feel strange...but in a good way. It reminds me of an orchestra warming up, then, felling around until they find their common footing. Nice Improv overall. It reminded me of something I listened to the other day...Some eastern european band from the 70's doing polka influenced jazz. I think they were called paradox.
posted by cicadaverse at 8:51 AM on May 19, 2014

Nice percussion
posted by mdecks at 7:59 AM on November 7, 2016

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