11 posts tagged with harmonica by Astro Zombie.
Displaying 1 through 11 of 11.
I Would Go Gay For You
A Dirty Curls song about girl on girl crushing.
'Onna Get My Buzz On
An apocalyptic Dirty Curls songs about vibrators and the end of the world.
Am Irish-styled song about a girl for a brass quartet, harmonica, and a big bass drum. [more inside]
Kill All the Witnesses
Four hours until dawn, and things are getting hairy. [more inside]
Orgy in the Wasp Woman Hive
Sometimes an invitation scrawled on a bathroom stall leads to unexpected horror. Actually, pretty much always. It always leads to horror. You should just ahead and expect horror. [more inside]
Happy Day
A song about the pleasures and disappointments of meeting somebody new. [more inside]
Who's Got the Nerve
A St. Patrick's Day song from my pierced and tattooed puppet, Sailor Martin. [more inside]
Cell Block Number 4
Sailor Martin find true romance. A song featuring ukulele, harmonica, wooden sand-filled egg, tambourine, and a duet between Sailor Martin and himself. Song 14 in the RPM challenge. [more inside]
I'm Hard On Her But She's Down On Me
A raucous garage-band blues number, featuring ukulele, tambourine, and harmonica. Entry number 9 into the RPM challenge is a song about a mean woman. [more inside]
I Married Her for Her Money (She Married Me for My Lies)
My 6th RPM song for Sailor Martin. A close harmony country song about love and deception. [more inside]
How Am I Gonna Enjoy It When You Just Sit On It
Third RPM song for my puppet Sailor Martin. Ukulele, harmonica, and a whole lot of inappropriate. [more inside]