lo fi vamp

April 29, 2007 7:16 AM

hi. This is actually my first attempt at improvising over a vamp. It was recorded with a 500 mhz computer and a webcam. First track recorded first, then played through the speakers so as to allow me to improvise over it, and then the whole recaptured by the webcam again. Hence the muddy sonics. The computer had trouble to play and record at the same time : results in clicks. On the whole.. I like it. Listen to my next post to compare with a cleaner version. Sometimes the rawer the better.

posted by nicolin (1 comment total)

You should look into looping software/hardware. If you use linux/OSX, I reccomend sooperlooper.
posted by phrontist at 10:00 AM on April 29, 2007

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