
August 17, 2007 8:49 PM

IDM jungle blip hop whatever!!

posted by xmutex (6 comments total)

I am reminded of a Stephen Colbert quote: "Ha, HA! Robots! Bleep... blorp!"

Good stuff.
posted by tehloki at 11:47 PM on August 17, 2007

xmutex, this is a nicely dysfunctional piece of beatwork. And I just wanna say, this is the only time I've ever seen the term "blip hop" used, other than as the title of this compilation CD from Luaka Bop, released a few years back. I know about the CD cause my duo Skist had a track on it, which Luaka Bop first heard cause it was on this release from the old Mille Plateaux label, which I believe went under...
posted by flapjax at midnite at 3:52 AM on August 18, 2007 [1 favorite]

flapjax: I have and enjoy that very same CD! I sorely miss Mille Plateaux - one of my favorite labels. Did you guys ever release a full length?
posted by xmutex at 7:52 AM on August 18, 2007

Yes, we've released 2 CDs on our own label. They're available through CD Baby. But our sound has changed considerably since that track from 2000, and the group now includes vocals! You can check out some of our more recent stuff at our MySpace page.
posted by flapjax at midnite at 8:07 AM on August 18, 2007

But hey, that's funny what I just did with that link, eh? Let's try that again!
posted by flapjax at midnite at 8:10 AM on August 18, 2007

d'you know there's a minidisc release called distal?
posted by juv3nal at 3:44 PM on August 18, 2007

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