Gargoylehead (Acoustic)

July 6, 2006 9:47 AM

Gargoylehead is a silly song about a statue in a family's house that comes to life when the family leaves for the night. It trashes the house and eventually falls asleep while watching a movie on cable. The family comes home to a great surprise. The song was performed by the band I was in in high school (we are long-defunct now) and this recording was done several years ago for fun. I hope you like it.

posted by AgentRocket (3 comments total) 2 users marked this as a favorite

Ha! This is great. Powerful TMBG resemblence, too—the vocal tone and the harmony lines, specifically.
posted by cortex at 8:23 AM on July 10, 2006

Yes, very strong TMBG resemblance. Not that that's a bad thing... I like it!
posted by litlnemo at 1:12 AM on July 28, 2006

Geez, are you the guy from TMBG? Great song.
posted by arcticwoman at 11:53 AM on August 2, 2006

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