Santa Claus is comin' to town

December 13, 2008 3:52 PM

A cover of the "I'll be watching you" of Christmas songs, recorded with my dear friend okclementine.

Let's be frank - this song is pretty terrifying. Santa Claus, watching your every move, whether you're sleeping or just using the bathroom - what's the deal? Anyway, we both have broken furnaces and decided the best way to weather the holiday cold was to pluck stringed instruments with fingerless gloves. Also, drink moonshine.

posted by ORthey (9 comments total) 14 users marked this as a favorite

I hope you'll take it as a compliment when I say this sounds very Decemberists-y. I love it.
posted by ludwig_van at 4:27 PM on December 13, 2008

I'm hearing a bit of Ida as well. But mostly it sounds like itself, which is a very good thing to sound like.
posted by doubtfulpalace at 4:50 PM on December 13, 2008

Excellent, I like it.

I never thought I would say that about this song, frankly I've always thought of it as an awful piece of music. Ever year my friends and I laugh and laugh at that hideous Springsteen version: "You been practicin' real hard, Clarence?" I love Springsteen but God it's so terrible.
posted by drjimmy11 at 6:28 PM on December 13, 2008

Favorited about 30 seconds in. This is - hands down - the BEST version of this song I've ever heard. This is incredible!!
posted by csimpkins at 8:02 PM on December 13, 2008

That's just awesome and kinda creepy. Because, yeah, it really is a creepy song. Every new layer that comes in is a treat.
posted by uncleozzy at 9:22 AM on December 14, 2008

Oh, that whistling. Awesome.
posted by robcorr at 3:46 AM on December 15, 2008

This is - hands down - the BEST version of this song I've ever heard. This is incredible!!

Every new layer that comes in is a treat

Oh, that whistling. Awesome.

Exactly. Great, great version.
posted by micayetoca at 5:35 AM on December 15, 2008

Also, okclementine, if you are reading this, please post more songs.
posted by micayetoca at 5:36 AM on December 15, 2008

It's hard to describe my feelings toward this song. If I could use but one word, which barely begins to describe what I feel, it would be nice. It's got a kind of wistful feeling to it, like something some redneck hick would play on his porch as a dark storm threatens to roll in one afternoon.

Anyways, I like it. Well done!
posted by Effigy2000 at 11:19 PM on December 19, 2008

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