Everywhere With Helicopter (feat. jessamyn; Guided By Voices cover)
April 20, 2009 8:28 PM
So, what was it, November when the MeFi Challenge was unofficially "requests for covers from other MeFites"? But this goes even further back... sometime last summer, Jessamyn said she wanted to do a cover--with me!--of Guided By Voices' "Everywhere With Helicopter." "OK," I said, "but you have to sing and make jangly noises with things around your apartment."
I would record little tracks piecemeal, looping some things, layering others, maybe tweaking stuff around... I'd work for a night, then let the song sit for a few weeks. Repeat when the itch returned.
So the cover challenge was issued--"Aha," I thought, "now I will finish that song!" Yeah, right. I'd email Jess a track and tell her to sing here, there, etc. She'd email it back and then I'd try to cut-n-paste it appropriately. Same with the jangly noises, which she recorded with her trusty camera. March came with amnesty, which I waived. This wasn't cooked fully yet.
By springtime it had grown into this: what had started out last year, in my mind, as a (much faster) reggaeton-flavored thingie had evolved into ... whatever this is. A little burnt around the edges, but full of good musical goo with a nice flaky crust.
This collaboration-over-distance process represents one of the things I'd wished for in the internet way back when, and now is easy peasy! YAY! And I'd be glad to work on a song with anyone; MefiMail me. As you will hear, I fuck shit up but GOOD!
Thanks, Jess! Hey, this is the second song you've appeared in today!!
posted by not_on_display (3 comments total)
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I would record little tracks piecemeal, looping some things, layering others, maybe tweaking stuff around... I'd work for a night, then let the song sit for a few weeks. Repeat when the itch returned.
So the cover challenge was issued--"Aha," I thought, "now I will finish that song!" Yeah, right. I'd email Jess a track and tell her to sing here, there, etc. She'd email it back and then I'd try to cut-n-paste it appropriately. Same with the jangly noises, which she recorded with her trusty camera. March came with amnesty, which I waived. This wasn't cooked fully yet.
By springtime it had grown into this: what had started out last year, in my mind, as a (much faster) reggaeton-flavored thingie had evolved into ... whatever this is. A little burnt around the edges, but full of good musical goo with a nice flaky crust.
This collaboration-over-distance process represents one of the things I'd wished for in the internet way back when, and now is easy peasy! YAY! And I'd be glad to work on a song with anyone; MefiMail me. As you will hear, I fuck shit up but GOOD!
Thanks, Jess! Hey, this is the second song you've appeared in today!!
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Also, I'm a sucker for the simple synth bass patch. I think it's because, like snsranch, I once owned a Moog Rogue until digital synths came along. I sold it because I decided it was no longer cool. (nooooooo!)
posted by umbú at 12:12 PM on April 21, 2009