Mistress Song (Rough Mix)

September 7, 2009 5:48 PM

I posted a live version of this before, but this is a new and very rough mix of a studio version.

Paul Tkachenko is on bass, Brian Hedemann is on drums; both are excellent as ever. It's me on guitar, vocals, alto sax and weird-ass keyboard noises, hence the odd clam here and there. FWIW lyrics are here.

I've rarely been as pleased with one of my own songs as this. So it's weird that people generally don't seem to like it much, which is why I don't play it much. Buggered if I can figure out why, though it is a bit miserable. Any and all criticism gratefully received.

posted by motty (2 comments total)

I really like that sax line.

It makes me think like maybe Nick Cave meets Leonard Cohen a little, mood-wise and phrasing-wise and with some nice theatricality.

Criticisms? Hm. Well, there's not much arc to it, I guess -- the instrumentation is pretty steady throughout. Maybe even something small could change, like some percussion coming in around halfway? I think a triangle, for instance, or just a simple tambourine part could sound really cool.
posted by Karlos the Jackal at 1:49 AM on September 9, 2009

Cheers, Karlos. I'll have a think about some extra percussion as you suggest. Could work, and yes, it is a bit all the same all the way through otherwise.
posted by motty at 10:07 AM on September 9, 2009

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