Denver by the Sea

November 15, 2009 3:17 PM

Hey folks, this is a little pop something I whipped up at home.

Oh, and I'm in the Los Angeles area and looking for musicians to play this and some other songs. So memail me if you think you might know someone.

Also, I think I'm pretty terrible at recording, so tips are very welcome.
posted by univac (1 comment total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: Poster's Request -- taz

There's an interesting and good song here, but.......are you kind of trying too hard to be left-field? To my admittedly grizzled ears you're over-using the delay on the guitar and vocal. It's clipping at times as well - and there's good distortion and not-so-good distortion... I'd like to hear a "straight" version before thinking about the sound palette. But I'm nevertheless hearing a production with the vocal way back and tracked and in a fairly deep reverb, with the guitar figures panned using a "ping pong" delay, some heavy distorted guitar growling and feeding back in the back of the mix, a deeper bass - an altogether darker sound. Kind of Jesus And Mary Chain sort of thing? Just my opinion univac - you're on the right track (hey - that rhymes!)
posted by MajorDundee at 4:44 PM on November 15, 2009

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