
July 17, 2010 12:13 PM

On this day of improv, so begins volume 3 of Demons of Gyrophonia's box set, An Evening With...

Tommy was recently bequeathed his sister's cello. Though he hadn't played in years, his complete madness on viola translated well.


Timbill (me, Timbill Corder): Drums, Percussion
Tréteque (man vs sun, V. Y. Beauregard III): Baritone Sax
Pheatherwäit (pheatherwait, Melissa Burcham): Flute, Bass Flute
Maĵor Tom (Tommy Scheurich): Cello

posted by askmeaboutLOOM (2 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite

again, very tasty. i'm always impressed by the demons' use of space. and you have such sweet instrumental combinations. i wondered if you agreed on those beforehand, or if they just happen?
posted by peterkins at 3:04 AM on July 18, 2010

We usually will think of an instrument combination a few minutes before we start playing. The first one of the night, though (which this was (as evidenced by the sound of me still putting together my bass drum at the beginning), usually starts by semi-chance. Usually starts with a warmup or brief tuning, or something like that, while we're still getting situated.

Fairly often, we'll disagree about the instrumentation beforehand, thinking "ugh, this will sound terrible." Fortunately, we enjoy proving ourselves wrong, when that happens. Unfortunately, sometimes, things we think are a sure bet to work never take off.

This was neither of those.
posted by askmeaboutLOOM at 7:06 AM on July 18, 2010

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