MeFi Music Challenge For November

November 1, 2010 5:02 PM

Thanks and a big Hooray for everyone who participated in the October, Scary Challenge! Some really great songs and sounds came out of that. Woo Hoo!

The challenge for this month is challenging. The theme is Vocals Only and it goes like this: Sing anything. It can be absurd, theatrical, sad or lovely. Feel free to use effects but leave your instruments behind.

For some, if not all of us, doing vocals is may be the least favorite part of what we do musically. This is an opportunity to share some vocals, and to get and give some positive feedback.

Have fun...take the challenge!
posted by snsranch (42 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite

Ah, hell yeah. I'm all over this one. Gonna be fun!
posted by flapjax at midnite at 5:35 PM on November 1, 2010

Yeah, this will definitely be a thing.
posted by askmeaboutLOOM at 6:53 PM on November 1, 2010

Good stuff. And very interesting.
posted by unSane at 7:59 PM on November 1, 2010

What tag should it have? vocalsonly, I presume?
posted by askmeaboutLOOM at 10:14 PM on November 1, 2010

I'd hate to say "yeah!!!! " and then not post a submission (like it has happened to me with the last few challenges), but I'll give it a try. The idea is great.
posted by micayetoca at 10:25 AM on November 2, 2010

I think people who can actually sing (e.g. Flapjax) should be excluded from this because, because........just be-fucking-cause, ok? Then people who sound like a crow with a headcold - e.g. moi - get half a chance to shine. Now, That's What I Call Perfectly Reasonable.
posted by MajorDundee at 12:20 PM on November 2, 2010

Or, we can force them to collaborate with us desafinados and that way make our tracks more listenable.

That, now that I think of it, would be a cool challenge theme: that all challenge submissions one month have to be collaborations. But that's a different discussion, I guess.
posted by micayetoca at 12:53 PM on November 2, 2010

Good call. How about that sns? December's challenge is traditionally (and aptly) a Christmas song, but mica's idea would see January out very nicely. What would be a fun twist would be to put all the volunteer collaborators in a hat and draw them out as random pairs sometime during the festive season - the MeFiMu Xmas Brantub - we could have some marriages made in heaven and hell.......:-))
posted by MajorDundee at 2:33 PM on November 2, 2010 [1 favorite]

Thanks for the great feed back, guys!

LOOM, you're absolutely right. "vocalsonly" and the "metafiltermusicchallenge" tags.

Major, you're right about flapjax, (Hiya flapjax!) if this was competitive, we'd either have to ask him to be a judge or just send him the trophy and be done with it.

Micayetoca, that's a great idea! I'm surprised people don't do that more often. The results are always really great. Now, do you, or ANYONE else have any ideas about a particular theme to make the collaborations a little more interesting? Like maybe "call and response" ala Dueling Banjos?
posted by snsranch at 3:57 PM on November 2, 2010

how about 'chalk and cheese'
posted by unSane at 4:02 PM on November 2, 2010

Now, That's What I Call Perfectly Reasonable.

Reasonable's got nuttin' ta do widdit, Dundee...

*chews toothpick, slaps microphone in palm blackjack style, squints menacingly*
posted by flapjax at midnite at 8:57 PM on November 2, 2010 [1 favorite]

That, now that I think of it, would be a cool challenge theme: that all challenge submissions one month have to be collaborations.

It might not be a bad idea to announce this one a month (or more) early, since it will take longer to organize and send stuff back and forth.

Now, do you, or ANYONE else have any ideas about a particular theme to make the collaborations a little more interesting?

I lean against this. "Collborations" is simple, straightforward, and fun all by itself; I don't think the waters need muddying.
posted by Karlos the Jackal at 9:19 PM on November 2, 2010

I don't think the waters need muddying.

So, do I understand this to mean that there will be no collaborations on any Muddy Waters tunes?
posted by flapjax at midnite at 11:00 PM on November 2, 2010

Actually I agree that no other theme is needed than 'collaboration'.

Should we spawn a new thread to discuss collaborations (if sns is up for it) since as flapjax points out this will take a bit of co-ordination.
posted by unSane at 7:46 AM on November 3, 2010 [1 favorite]

Actually I agree that no other theme is needed than 'collaboration'.

Me too, unSane, so let's do it!
posted by snsranch at 12:11 PM on November 3, 2010

Any objections to doing something like this?

Nov: Vocals Only
Dec: Not yet totally decided but something Holiday related
Jan: Collaboration

This sounds great to me and I really enjoy and appreciate everyone stirring this pot together.

unSane, would you do us the honour of firing up the collaboration discussion?
posted by snsranch at 4:09 PM on November 3, 2010

Any objections to doing something like this?

Nov: Vocals Only
Dec: Not yet totally decided but something Holiday related
Jan: Collaboration

None whatsoever from this little corner of the internet! Sounds great to me!

Otherwise, c'mon sns, enough of this mister nice guy. Just lay down the law, dude! You are the Challenge Overlord! Rule by imperial decree! :-)
posted by flapjax at midnite at 5:21 PM on November 3, 2010

Ah, flapjax, you are on FIRE! Have you got the Shōchū still fired up?! Speakin' of bustin bawls, don't you have some awesome vocals to record?;-)

(I do, and it's actually pretty daunting.)
posted by snsranch at 5:58 PM on November 3, 2010

I second that motion. Sounds good. Now, how am I going to do this vocals only madness?
posted by umbú at 8:49 PM on November 3, 2010

Yeah, I'll let the November challenge settle first so as not to Muddy the Waters.
posted by unSane at 9:28 PM on November 3, 2010

Yeah, I'll let the November challenge settle first so as not to Muddy the Waters.

Good strategy. People round here gonna be Howlin' like a Wolf.
posted by flapjax at midnite at 11:30 PM on November 3, 2010

Thinking about dipping my toe in this month's challenge. Haven't shared anything musical with anyone for a long time, though.
posted by bardophile at 8:32 AM on November 4, 2010

I've always been to scared to upload some sort of vocals only thing, so this sounds like a perfect shove. Although I'll probably still pile on reverb and whistling and finger snaps or something. Or maybe that ruins the point?
posted by Corduroy at 10:00 AM on November 4, 2010

So, unSane will post that thread announcing it, people state in that thread if they want to participate, we let it gather people for a month, and then in December do the "raffle" to see who teams up with whom?
posted by micayetoca at 10:22 AM on November 4, 2010

micayetoca, yep. I think we'll have a whole discussion thread in which we'll figure out all the details and go on from there. I dig that people wanted to start working on this early, it totally makes sense. Cheers!
posted by snsranch at 10:42 AM on November 4, 2010

Whistling OK or no?

I'm thinking this could be a good one to get my feet wet on, but the first thing that popped into my head includes whistling. Which isn't exactly voice.
posted by theichibun at 8:47 AM on November 11, 2010

(Shh, don't tell anyone, but sure, why not?)
posted by snsranch at 2:34 PM on November 11, 2010

Whistling OK or no?

Must be done in the dark.
posted by flapjax at midnite at 5:07 PM on November 11, 2010

Preferably past a graveyard.
posted by unSane at 6:05 PM on November 11, 2010

(to the tune of 'Dixie')
posted by unSane at 6:50 PM on November 11, 2010

And extra points if it's a duet with this woman.
posted by flapjax at midnite at 7:31 PM on November 11, 2010

Work is underway on a microtonal choir (previously) singing randomly generated haiku and tanka. It should be fantastic chaos.
posted by askmeaboutLOOM at 9:58 PM on November 11, 2010

One minor note about the tag, the "metafiltermusicchallenge" is new, most of the previous submissions are under "mefimusicchallenge" so if people used the one with "metafilter" spelled out those songs are going to be separated from the previous challenge.
posted by micayetoca at 4:19 AM on November 13, 2010

Yeah I prefer 'mefimusicchallenge' because it's called MeFiMusic...
posted by unSane at 7:13 AM on November 13, 2010

The tag should, I think, stay the same (as mentioned above), for consitency's sake.
posted by flapjax at midnite at 8:54 AM on November 13, 2010

Jeez, sorry guys. It is now corrected.
posted by snsranch at 4:00 PM on November 13, 2010

We did an a capella collaboration back in July. Now we have to do two more!
posted by Obscure Reference at 5:55 PM on November 18, 2010

Are covers OK?
posted by fake at 7:50 PM on November 19, 2010

Is it totally uncool to do a single track of solo vocals?
posted by bardophile at 10:39 AM on November 20, 2010

Anything that is not specifically denoted as not okay or not cool is both okay and cool. Do it!
posted by Karlos the Jackal at 1:03 PM on November 20, 2010

Yea, just like the man said!
posted by snsranch at 1:47 PM on November 21, 2010

My god, I'm catching up, and I've just listened to chococat's entry in the a cappella challenge. It's brilliant!
posted by DMelanogaster at 7:35 AM on July 3, 2011

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