Who cares, Whatever

September 19, 2011 9:43 PM

Another upbeat 2 1/2 minute pop song I wrote for my band, Boeufcake.

I've been struggling to come up with a description of our music for people, usually I say "trendy Indie pop" which feels stupid and if anyone cares enough I list our influences as Devo, The Sonics, and Pavement. At our last show, someone told me we reminded them of The Cars; I'd never considered this, but on reflection I think it's a pretty fair comparison.

Anyway, my plan is to try and get more of our songs recorded in the coming months. I'm not entirely satisfied with the finished product here, there's something not quite right and I can't put my finger on it -- it sounds a little too clean and I'm not sure how to fix that. Maybe bring up the gain and volume on the guitars? I also like the sound of an overdriven vocal mic (like the old Sonics recordings) but I'm not quite sure how to achieve that. Feedback (heh, no pun) is requested.

posted by Slarty Bartfast (4 comments total)

Maybe I should have mentioned I'm using Logic (which is way over my head and I'm stumbling every step of the way).
posted by Slarty Bartfast at 9:50 PM on September 19, 2011

I think it's a neat little song with a fun guitar rhythm. I can see the Cars, totally.

I don't know much about recording, but I see what you mean about being "too clean" -- it's a little sterile. I have two questions:
1) Are you recording guitars direct or are you micing up an amp?
2) Are you playing together as a band or are you overdubbing all the parts?
posted by Karlos the Jackal at 12:40 AM on September 20, 2011

We're micing amps and multitracking. I'd hate to have to redo any recording and wondering what can be done in Logic to muddy it up a little.
posted by Slarty Bartfast at 12:15 PM on September 20, 2011

What do you mean by muddy it up?

You could bounce it down to tape and back.

You could use some of the distortion plugins, reverb, or compression to mess around with the mix.
posted by reklus at 11:34 AM on September 25, 2011

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