Under Radiant Signs

October 3, 2011 12:10 AM

Another acoustic guitar thing.

we ring out false alarms and
we hold our breaths for something real

you are not pretending
i am not impressed by

the words you throw about
as easy as the sun alights

it all builds up to something
a promise we can't remember

this is not the first time
and far from the last

that we'll wish and hope and pray
for this to be our ruin

i will not dream for better
that we will end up more than skin and grime

for this world this not for those
who live under radiant signs

so we'll kill the spotlights
and sleep under darkened skies

and we'll both stand witness
to the machinery of night

be quiet now
and be grateful for

the silence of our decline

posted by ianK (1 comment total)

I like this.

I like the words and I like your singing. (Although personally I'm not sure your recording technique is doing it any favors -- I want it to be warmer and lusher.)
posted by Karlos the Jackal at 2:24 AM on October 4, 2011

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