Trumpet Drone #1

January 26, 2012 1:05 PM

Minute-long experiment with some multi-track trumpet recording

Bear with me while I attempt to create some experimental trumpet music. Not sure where this is going yet.

posted by Katine (6 comments total) 3 users marked this as a favorite

YES! More, please! The trumpet as drone works really well. Also, that wobbly-breathy effect happening in the second half is very intriguing.
posted by Corduroy at 5:42 PM on January 26, 2012

Very cool. My favourite thing is when you are doubling a note and it does that flangey/chorusy thing where one note is swaying a bit off the other.
posted by chococat at 9:47 PM on January 26, 2012

yeah, quite nice. I would listen to more of this, for sure.
posted by dubold at 2:29 AM on January 27, 2012

relistening, again - is that a seagull at :34? lovely.
posted by dubold at 2:33 AM on January 27, 2012

Thanks so much for listening and for the feedback. I have a few more of these minute snippets I'll post up. I'm hoping to wrangle these ideas into something more complete eventually.

dubold -- This was a no-seagull production. I think it's the sound of my inhaling through the instrument. But thanks for pointing it out cause I hadn't noticed it before.
posted by Katine at 11:34 AM on January 27, 2012

seagull, nose whistle, it's all the same, really.
posted by dubold at 2:51 PM on January 27, 2012

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