February 29, 2012 7:49 PM
Presenting the opening volley from Demons of Gyrophonia's new album, for the 2012 RPM Challenge, Searching for Dual-Projecting Interneurons that May Contribute to Spinal Turtle Behavior. Previously.
The original endgame, when we started performing scientific papers was this: to turn Tommy's final thesis for his Neuroscience degree into a concept album, in a long-distance collaboration once he left/completed the damned thing. Now it's been done, and...frankly, I'm chuffed at the end the result. The rest will surely follow, soon.
This track is...unique from the rest of the lot, and really, from the rest of our catalogue. I'll leave it there, but I'm curious to see what anyone else thinks of this, and the rest, as it comes.
Recorded during the month of February 2012
at the Rotatable Tremulant Studio in Oklahoma City, U.S.A.
& the Turtle Reorganization Lounge in Virginia Beach, U.S.A.
Section title announcements by Ubuntu Linux.
Text by Tommy Scheurich
Engineered by Trey Beauregard
Produced by Timbill Corder
Trey Beauregard - Recorder, 3-string Basitar
Timbill Corder - Recorder, Guitbass, 3-string Basitar
Tommy Scheurich - Vocals
posted by askmeaboutLOOM (1 comment total)
The original endgame, when we started performing scientific papers was this: to turn Tommy's final thesis for his Neuroscience degree into a concept album, in a long-distance collaboration once he left/completed the damned thing. Now it's been done, and...frankly, I'm chuffed at the end the result. The rest will surely follow, soon.
This track is...unique from the rest of the lot, and really, from the rest of our catalogue. I'll leave it there, but I'm curious to see what anyone else thinks of this, and the rest, as it comes.
Recorded during the month of February 2012
at the Rotatable Tremulant Studio in Oklahoma City, U.S.A.
& the Turtle Reorganization Lounge in Virginia Beach, U.S.A.
Section title announcements by Ubuntu Linux.
Text by Tommy Scheurich
Engineered by Trey Beauregard
Produced by Timbill Corder
Trey Beauregard - Recorder, 3-string Basitar
Timbill Corder - Recorder, Guitbass, 3-string Basitar
Tommy Scheurich - Vocals
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As such, for the first time, not all of the effects used were done in the live take--some/many were added in post. It's quite liberating to have realtime, non-destructive, post-production effects at my fingertips.
posted by askmeaboutLOOM at 9:00 PM on March 3, 2012