
April 20, 2013 3:23 PM

By Robotic Storm Cloud. Composed in 2000 or so (!) using wave editors and Sonic Foundry Acid. Crazy samples, drum loops, the works.

I've recently been going through my vaults, remastering tracks, and releasing it through CreateSpace, Bandcamp, etc. (Thingmo Records). I have been very pleased with CreateSpace's CD quality. I've been waiting a decade or more for something like that to become viable. Super fun, and good for the ego. ;-) Hope you enjoy it, or at least chuckle.

posted by cheekycheeky (2 comments total)

Pretty crazy vibe! I feel overstimulated, like I just took in a lot of information compressed into this hyper-real package. It brought to mind the animations of Cyriak, which is quite a compliment!
posted by edlundart at 7:46 PM on April 20, 2013

Hahaha, thank you edlundart! I will go watch those animations now.
posted by cheekycheeky at 12:19 PM on April 21, 2013

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