Just the Fax

June 12, 2014 4:45 AM

Asked for a receipt. Five minutes pass, still waiting; Dot matrix printer.

I'm waiting at the counter, watching this guy boot up his Windows 95 machine so he can print out my receipt. Of course, his computer was off. Nobody ever asks for receipts. Nobody really ever makes purchases here, except today.

Finally, it's up and running. Now he's opening the POS program. Hourglass. Hourglass. Hourglass.

"Let me swipe your card." Manual imprint swiper. He slowly keys the numbers into his computer. He hits print.

We wait.

We wait.

Finally, the printer clicks on, clunking and chirping angrily as though awoken from a deep slumber. More time passes. We might be waiting forever...

Then the printer SCREAMS it's ink onto the page, dot by dot, line by line, each screeching pass more excruciating than the last.

Then, a pause. The screaming stops, the page slides up a few inches, ready to be torn off it's 200 ft perforated stack.

The man reaches for the form, but wait! There's a second page.

Anyway, my mixes are just going to keep getting louder until it's no fun for anyone.

posted by TheNegativeInfluence (4 comments total) 4 users marked this as a favorite

A+ for the presentation.
And another A+ for the song.
posted by AxelT at 11:33 AM on June 13, 2014

I thought "where's the printer in this?" and then THAT sound happened. Really cool. Is that using any kind of sample of the real thing blended in with synth sounds, or is it all synths just accomplishing the texture and feel of a screeching printer? Either way it's a great use of that texture!

And, the whole track feels ominous and dark like your description.
posted by edlundart at 10:35 PM on June 17, 2014

Nice description! The song sets a scene and tells a story. I loved around the 2 minute mark when it really took off. Good dynamics.
posted by cicadaverse at 4:57 AM on June 18, 2014

Thanks guys. @edlundart this one is all synth. That sound is the result of messing with the ES P synth in Logic 9, but created with that result in mind.
posted by TheNegativeInfluence at 11:36 PM on June 22, 2014

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