Riding Out

January 18, 2016 6:56 AM

The road trip song - a galloping guitar ramble underpinned by soaring synth strings. By Sredni Vashtar

posted by srednivashtar (4 comments total) 3 users marked this as a favorite

I made a random mix of songs to check out MeFi Music. I liked everything, but this one really leapt out at me. Love it. Thanks for sharing!
posted by jragon at 9:54 PM on January 29, 2016

Um. And we have the same first and last name. So, hello person with my exact same name! O__o
posted by jragon at 8:39 PM on January 30, 2016

Now that is a fine coincidence - it's lucky you like the song!
posted by srednivashtar at 5:02 AM on February 3, 2016

loving this. It's catchy, driving, trippy jamming guitars. Good vocals and lyrics.
posted by cicadaverse at 9:53 PM on June 22, 2016

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