Robot Bambi II: The Return of Robot Bambi (Big City Nights)

February 16, 2016 7:35 AM

The Sequel to Robot Bambi I

Tried something a little different with this one - it's in 7/4, but I abstained from doing the usual final odd beat at the end of every bar that you usually have to do to line up the drum pattern with the downbeat. Instead, the kick and snare keep playing in 2 through the whole tune, so the beat gets turned around every bar (snare happens on the downbeat rather than offbeat every 2nd bar). So maybe it's more accurate to say the song is in 14/4 time. But you get the picture. See what you think. Cheers -CA

posted by CarrotAdventure (2 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite

posted by ageispolis at 1:14 PM on February 16, 2016

I like this a lot and of course the name is great. The sounds remind me of Freezepop and the 7/4 (or 14/4, whatever) makes it rhythmically interesting but doesn't sound forced.
posted by valrus at 9:51 PM on March 5, 2016

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