Under the Christmas Tree

December 11, 2016 3:19 AM

those boxes they lead lives you don't know about.


You and me
under the christmas tree.
There’s food and drink and laughter fun galore.
People shivering with cold out there I’d
rather stay inside right here with you

You and me
under the christmas tree.
A fire’s burning merrily along.
Did you know that Swedish peasants
write a rhyme for every present?
here’s one for you

You and me
under the christmas tree.
You’re red with stars I’m blue with golden moons.
Your ribbons shimmer pearly white and, curl around me in the night.
I’m basking in your hungry gaze
Sends me off into a Christmas craze

You and me
under the christmas tree.
I wonder when the wrappings will come off.
Your face oh so inviting
In the gentle christmas lighting
Won’t you reach across, and have a touch
I’m right here it wouldn’t take that much

posted by AxelT (2 comments total)

This is silly and fun.
posted by not_on_display at 10:23 PM on December 13, 2016

Smooth and light, head-nodding. Bass line is great. Trumpet accents are bright and lifting. Has some of the free spirit of They Might Be Giants, lots of fun.
posted by BlackPebble at 11:32 AM on December 18, 2016

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