Ozark Rag (Practice)

May 22, 2017 9:47 PM

Another old fiddle rag interpolated with a new song by Mr. Corwin Bolt. We were all surprised by the ending. I love fiddle rags, and nobody can convince me that they haven't already come back in style.

As always more music, show dates &c. may be found at http://www.corwinbolt.com/!

posted by OverlappingElvis (1 comment total) 3 users marked this as a favorite

Light and bouncy, as any great rag should be. Really enjoy the fiddle kicking up at 1:28. The wheels coming off at the end is especially endearing. Great loose and joyous vibe.
posted by BlackPebble at 5:22 AM on May 24, 2017

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