Selling Tickets

January 7, 2025 5:44 AM

Winter brings that torpor. Here's a slackrock song. Oldish song. Very old riff in the bridge Bouncy, tho.

Where's the song that could feed you like bread? It's the hungry tunes that always end up stuck in your head.
Going broke? What you're saying to me: selling tickets to a show that you don't want to see. There's an easy way out that you don't even want to try, and I don't know why.

Where's that verse that's as warm as a bed, that you could wrap around yourself or at least trade in for rent? Has the season got you feeling so soft: selling tickets to a ride that you wanna get off? Well, it's a living. I guess you give in so slow that you'd hardly know.

Then you try to sell out and you can't give it away.

posted by es_de_bah (2 comments total) 5 users marked this as a favorite

I'm not exactly sure what slackrock is (a very quick google search was not very helpful), but I'm going to guess it's related to the tags "lazy" and "rock" :)

I like it! I really dig the lyrics, and that lead guitar descending riff is quite lovely.
posted by Doleful Creature at 4:17 PM on January 8 know, like grunge or punk or even folk music seems simple or poorly performed but is actually an expression of humble values which the artist has usually toiled over while affecting nonchalance. Or, y'know...I did everything myself and don't have a producer.
posted by es_de_bah at 6:47 AM on January 10 [1 favorite]

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