OK, Computer?
Demons of Gyrophonia's complete re-working of Radiohead's "OK Computer." Starring Trey Beauregard, Timbill Corder, Kerry Folsom, and Luke Furman.
created by askmeaboutLOOM on Sep-24-13 at 9:45 PM
created by askmeaboutLOOM on Sep-24-13 at 9:45 PM
- Airbag by askmeaboutLOOM
- Paranoid Android by askmeaboutLOOM
- Subterranean Homesick Alien by askmeaboutLOOM
- Exit Music (for a Film) by askmeaboutLOOM
- Let Down by askmeaboutLOOM
- Karma Police by askmeaboutLOOM
- Fitter Happier by askmeaboutLOOM
- Electioneering by askmeaboutLOOM
- Climbing Up the Walls by askmeaboutLOOM
- No Surprises by askmeaboutLOOM
- Lucky by askmeaboutLOOM
- The Tourist by askmeaboutLOOM
- Airbag by askmeaboutLOOM
- Paranoid Android by askmeaboutLOOM
- Subterranean Homesick Alien by askmeaboutLOOM
- Exit Music (for a Film) by askmeaboutLOOM
- Let Down by askmeaboutLOOM
- Karma Police by askmeaboutLOOM
- Fitter Happier by askmeaboutLOOM
- Electioneering by askmeaboutLOOM
- Climbing Up the Walls by askmeaboutLOOM
- No Surprises by askmeaboutLOOM
- Lucky by askmeaboutLOOM
- The Tourist by askmeaboutLOOM
Podcast Feed (copy this to iTunes to automatically download your playlist tracks)