A random assortment of things I like
created by cali on May-13-07 at 9:38 PM
created by cali on May-13-07 at 9:38 PM
- Miss Me in the Morning by chococat
- Sister's Gone by Channel 18 by willc
- Take It From Me by joe lisboa
- i will be your shadow by dobie
- Writers Block Party by goodnewsfortheinsane
- The Redemption of Transvaal by goodnewsfortheinsane
- Get Out of My Songs by goodnewsfortheinsane
- Sturtevant By Night by drezdn
- End of the Good Songs by drezdn
- At the Open Mic (Cortex vs Los Muchachos Mexicanos) by mexican
- I Spend All My Free Time on the Internet by cortex
- Sleepover by chococat
- Tidal Girl by Navelgazer
- Full Promise by JulianDay
- Park Lane (Dads) by chococat
- picaresque and proud by sleepy pete
- The Road (album version) by ludwig_van
- Save the Fattest Girl for Me by markulus
- two can go low by edlundart
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