24 posts tagged with BleepBloop and ambientoffice.
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Check The Drain
Back with some new modular action - pretty simple patch with a delay as a sound source. [more inside]
Little loop with some programmed drums, playing with waveshape [more inside]
Transposed melodies [more inside]
Mile Swim
Generating melody and rhythm out of a linear pattern. [more inside]
Modular composition with a generative sequence, some tuned noise, and filter feedback. [more inside]
Little synth sketch - drones and tinkles [more inside]
Rhythmic, simple, mostly analog [more inside]
Our Economy
A little generative ditty with sound samples from a speech by Gov. Frances Sargeant announcing a freeze on freeway construction in Massachusetts. [more inside]
Short synth sketch made using a modular I’m slowly assembling from kits. [more inside]
Slowly mutating chords and voice [more inside]
Another Daughter
Found sound from Weegee with gentle synth accompaniment [more inside]
Washing Up
Nothing complicated, just synths and echoes [more inside]
Instrumental score about discovery, evaluation, and conflict. [more inside]
Checking In
Third in my series of sequencer experiments - here two voices are sharing some notes and trading off singing to each other. [more inside]
Measure Twice
More sequencer experimentation - playing with changing the note assignment and loop points on a longer sequence. [more inside]
In passing
A quick sketch to start off a series of 3 songs based around some creative sequencing techniques. [more inside]
Clean Up
An ambient office tune that built slowly this week, adding one part per day. [more inside]
My ambient office project for July, overlapping synth and piano harmonies. [more inside]
As a fathers’ day challenge made a new song with the sequences from my last, with the aim of getting something new but with recognizable DNA. [more inside]
Ambient Office returns with another modular jam. Harmonic rhythms with some melodies over the top. [more inside]
quarter time
Half of my family is ill and time seems to be slowing down, recorded this simple little synth pattern to remind myself to breathe and get to the next day. [more inside]
Using the same sequencing definition as a previous post but with different key changes and tempo; some buzzy interjections. [more inside]
For Each One To Discover (AO)
One of my favorite vocal samples (mid century Henry Miller interview found on Archive.org) with some little pings and big booms [more inside]
Cascades (AO)
Ambient Office project that features some just intonation intervals and granular noise. [more inside]