14 posts tagged with ROCK and jam.
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Oort Cloud Rain
Another improvisational recording from 3-9-13, the night comet Pann Starrs 2013 first because visible in the Northern Hemisphere. We recorded in celebration of the celestial event. [more inside]
I think this may be one of my favorite things I've done guitar-wise. I started out with a very basic chord progression and just played out as many variations of that as I could think of and then took my favorites and combined them into a simple quiet/loud dynamic. [more inside]
14 Baktun
14 minutes of improvisation from Carbon 7, heralding the end of the Mayan Long Count. [more inside]
The Sunset Star
A slow, jazzy improv thing. [more inside]
The Egg That Never Was
Another long instrumental noodle-athon. Making it up as we go. [more inside]
Hollow Saturn
Starts out atmospheric as we slowly descend through the thickening clouds. [more inside]
In which we jam out on our axxxes. I have temporarily given up even naming these... things. Another long spontaneous session by Carbon 7, my space-rock improvisational trio. [more inside]
Hold It There (Within You, Without You)
Part 3 of a live 27 minute improv. This is the final 12 minutes. [more inside]
We Were Talking (Within You, Without You)
Minutes 6 thru 15 of a 27-minute improv, in which Fred Surprises Dennis and I by singing the melody to Within You, Without You, by The Beatles, followed by a musical conversation. [more inside]
The Dudes - Live at Le Voyeur
Live jam from our one and only real show. What happens when four friends who've never been in a band, never had any formal music training, never played an instrument form a band, jam for six months, then have a show. We never did really learn what the hell we were doing, or write any songs, but occasionally we made some cool sounds together.
Something Happens
A VU style riffer. I recorded this a few years ago and just rediscovered it. I am quite fond of this one and the silly, posturing lyrics. [more inside]
heir to the would-have-beens
i just finished moving my pile of equipment from the garage into the house for winter, and to celebrate i did a special mix of the latest song from the project mentioned here to share with y'all.
A Van Winkle side project, Kurt Kostokos on guitar and drums, and Dave Appelbaum on keyboards. Definately of an exploratory sonic nature...
Meat And Crackers
Me on keyboards with Van Winkle (bass, drums, electric guitar)