3 posts tagged with Women.
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- Womankind (demo) by edlundart
- Down in New Orleans by american caesar
- casanova ruins by edlundart
Womankind (demo)
In June 2010, I posted a song called Womankind. I was just digging through some old demo recordings and found the demo for this song. [more inside]
Down in New Orleans
This was a song I wrote about a fictional women that I didnt really meet. In fact I havent ever stopped in New Orleans I may have drove through along time ago. This song is one of three done at a studio. The drummer was way to uptight for my music. He kept saying he could play john bonham solo's and Im thinking this isnt really the place for Mr Bonham. I need Ringo here. Anyway they over recorded drums with alittle crackle. I had a friend do the bass and lead style playing and he held it togther enough to make it listenable. Thats when I went home studio after seeing the money I could throw away. Anyway this song was before the hurricane period as well by a year Id say. I just really wrote it cause I wanted something fresh for the studio and upbeat. Anyway Listen
casanova ruins
I was walking around in the garment district at night on valentine's day years ago, and spotted a beautiful woman walking alone across the street. Despite being glamorously dressed up, she looked like she had lost all faith in men. She was carrying a heart-shaped balloon and huge flowers. This song is sort of about that. [more inside]