9 posts tagged with abbott and triphop.
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i'm seeing robots
kool keith saw them first.
the siren of titan
an instrumental space jam, an ode to a scintillating satellite girl, and because we miss kurt so.
daydreams for dollars
this ain't working. this is how you do it.
figment newtons
are you a believer in osmosis?
chinese dragon
no dragons were harmed in the making of this song, in which we revert to our default full on trip hop status.
definitely born under a water sign.
badge of hope
oscillating fan man wears a badge of hope. he keeps you cool.
right on said jeebus
can ya feel the holy ghost?
can i get an a a a men?
sippin' on some severus
sexy parseltongues seek to seduce snape, spells abound.