2 posts tagged with cicada.
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- Baby Bug by flapjax at midnite
- Cicadas in a Tokyo Park by flapjax at midnite
Baby Bug
There's been a flurry of interest in cicadas lately, what with the little critters showing up in their millions in the US of Al. Here in Japan they grace us with their noisily enthusiastic presence once a year like clockwork, so I figured I'd employ one of 'em as drummer. The bug rushes the beat like hell, but there's something about its phrasing that I couldn't resist. The video (at YouTube or Vimeo) features the indefatigable critter itself, so be sure to tune in!
Cicadas in a Tokyo Park
The title says it all! But be sure to check out the video, and see the trees where these mellifluous little bugs were parked while offering up their enticing sonatas! (pssssst! and find the dove!)