8 posts tagged with college and guitar.
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track 5
Song for the week. [more inside]
track 4
I'm doing a song-a-week thing with someone I knew in school, and this is what I came up with. [more inside]
track 3
Generic pop song about nothing, with too much delay.
22 (not a t. swift song)
I took a break from music stuff for six months, and then came up with three songs in rapid succession. I'm out of practice, and I'm not in love with this one, but it's the best of the three. Posting just so I don't completely fall out of the habit.
unSane's Whistling Shoes
I stole the words from unSane and turned it into a song with off key whistling.
throw me a rope (cover)
Recorded this today with my group for a class project. Made with actual good quality microphones! [more inside]
I don't think it meets the bar MajorDundee set, but I gave it a shot. Adapted the words from Belladonna. Learned a lot! [more inside]
Another cover. I'm really sorry about the clipping at the end! [more inside]