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This is the probably most commercial thing I've ever written -- still not sure how I feel about it -- but it was completely accidental. I just had this little 3-3-2 piano riff going and started putting a bassline under it, and the whole thing kind of fell out. I resisted it for months because it seemed so obvious but eventually gave in. Drums are 1-take 3-mics from my drummer but I think they work pretty well. The interesting thing is that the 1-bar piano riff continues through as an ostinato through the whole thing, never changing. I guess it's Coldplay's version of Marvin Gaye's SEXUAL HEALING, or something. A bit of U2 in there too somewhere in the scritch scratch guitar that comes in in the second verse. [more inside]
posted by sweet mister on Nov 17, 2013 - 3 comments

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