11 posts tagged with edm.
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What is the Precise Nature of the Catastrophe?
No guitars. Clumsy and doomy EDM. [more inside]
I realize it's May, but you know
Enjoying my new drum machine!
Computer World [Kraftwerk cover]
Featuring the voice of greenish as the Computer. I thought it would be fun to do it slower, using mostly analog instruments and a computer to record it, in juxtaposition to how Kraftwerk originally recorded it in 1981 (using computer instruments and I'm guessing analog tape). Also I was feverish with Lyme Disease while I recorded it. Song #11 in Unu Kanto Po Semajno.
Las Cuevas Hacen Eco En Sacromonte
Scratching an itch for flamenco. [more inside]
Yeah Yeah
What happens when you let your seven year old son take over your home project studio for a few minutes? Turns out, you get experimental electronic fun (with help from dad). [more inside]
Believe Again
The second edit of my first techno song i made in 2009
Deep Freeze Rodox 394
Decided I'd finally get serious about learning how to make dance music for real. This is kind of a half-finished song that I'm kind of stuck on, but figured I'd throw it up here just as it is... it ends kind of abruptly because I don't know where to go next with it.. [more inside]
Cake Mix.
Cake. Delicious cake. [more inside]
A High Mountain is the Ideal
More noisy electro/break bitmuxing. (beta mix)