9 posts tagged with harmony by unSane.
Displaying 1 through 9 of 9.

Such Great Heights (cover)

I've always had a soft spot for this Postal Service song, so here's an acoustic cover featuring resonator guitar, pump organ, and ten copies of me. Lighters out for the last chorus, please.
posted by unSane on Mar 25, 2012 - 20 comments

Can the Hive Mind help me with this riff?

I wrote this simple little Mellotron piano chord progression this morning but it's baffling me. Can anyone suggest how I get it to loop back around to the beginning again? [more inside]
posted by unSane on Dec 20, 2010 - 16 comments

Ten Years in a Hundred Dollar Suit (vox up)

I pushed the vocal track a couple of dB on this track I posted yesterday as several people suggested. See what you think. [more inside]
posted by unSane on Dec 6, 2010 - 11 comments

Simple Town (Full Version)

Feisty powerpop version of the a capella song I posted for the challenge. Man, this was another freakin' difficult song to mix, not least because it was the first one I did on my Yamaha HS50m monitors which Chococat recommended.You know when you go to the bathroom in the middle of the night in a hotel and accidentally turn on the overhead fluorescents and catch yourself stark naked in the most unflattering, pore-revealing detail and sort of gasp in horror? These speakers are like that. You fight them every inch of the way, not trying to get the song sounding good, but just to stop it sound so goddamn bad. [more inside]
posted by unSane on Nov 24, 2010 - 7 comments

Simple Town

A piece of pop fluff for the a capella challenge. [more inside]
posted by unSane on Nov 18, 2010 - 9 comments

You & San Francisco -- Big Hair Mix feat. Major Dundee

At long last, the remix of Y&SF with new vocals and Major Dundee's guitar work incorporated. [more inside]
posted by unSane on Oct 25, 2010 - 4 comments

Summer's Calling

This is the second of two summersongs... this one is my attempt to shake off the summertime blues and write something genuinely hopeful, complete with a spoken intro and healthy helpings of cheese and bubblegum all round. [more inside]
posted by unSane on Jul 23, 2010 - 6 comments

Don't Fool Me

Full on vocal harmony twin electric 12-string assault, my attempt to collide the Monkees with the Byrds with a side of the Go-Betweens. [more inside]
posted by unSane on May 24, 2010 - 3 comments

Where you gonna get your good things now?

One of my favorite chord progressions ever. A demo from about 1995 for a notional solo album, and for once I sound like I'm actually worked up about something, which I was. [more inside]
posted by unSane on May 21, 2010 - 2 comments

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