7 posts tagged with improv and spontaneous.
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Cloud Ships
A mid-tempo piece, built around the opening drum riff. Carbon 7 is an improvisational jazz/space/rock trio that just makes it up on the spot. [more inside]
One fish was the first fish to walk on land, one fish was the first fish to breathe the air. [more inside]
14 Baktun
14 minutes of improvisation from Carbon 7, heralding the end of the Mayan Long Count. [more inside]
Off Leash
Carbon 7 does yet another improv. Uptempo. We played all the notes. [more inside]
The Egg That Never Was
Another long instrumental noodle-athon. Making it up as we go. [more inside]
Hollow Saturn
Starts out atmospheric as we slowly descend through the thickening clouds. [more inside]
You've Got To Titan Up Your Kuiper Belt
Astral Funk from my improv trio, Carbon 7. This is what happens when you let the drummer set the theme of the jam. [more inside]