9 posts tagged with long.
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Dick Biondi
A long and very silly edm jam just under the upload limit.
Hollow Saturn
Starts out atmospheric as we slowly descend through the thickening clouds. [more inside]
Long Cool Blonde
Hau' weg das Zeug! [more inside]
Watch The Flowers Being Bombed Quietly
Revisiting a form we haven't attempted in a few months: ambient.
LD-50 -- Sixty Minutes, Six Megabytes
WARNING (OR PROMISE): Highly abstract and very, very long. [more inside]
Dudely muzac
Apparently my last few posts have been pretty girly but that's cool, I'm comfortable with my musical sexuality. I wanted there to be no ambiguity with this one so I cranked my gitar to 11 and played it as dirty as I could. [more inside]
An improv ensemble decides to start improvising as a pizza order is placed. We will not stop until that pizza is delivered. Very experimental and 41 minutes long. [more inside]
The girl is fine
I was in a punky sort of mood tonight
Green and Long and Mean
This is a song that is very informative about the characteristics and dangers of snakes.