9 posts tagged with love by Astro Zombie.
Displaying 1 through 9 of 9.
She Too Rah'd My Loo Rah'd
A love song, and, possibly, an extremely flithy one; second song for the Peter O'Tooles. [more inside]
From the Heart of the Moon
With a ukulele, some whistling, and several Garage Band 09 filters, you can make something that sounds like a transmission from Venus. [more inside]
Every Sunday Morning
Another song from my one-man show about Tiny Tim, Tulip. [more inside]
I Married Her for Her Money (She Married Me for My Lies)
My 6th RPM song for Sailor Martin. A close harmony country song about love and deception. [more inside]
You Can't Go Back to London
One Kiss from You
A maudlin love song from an old man to a young woman. Written in 2001. Part of my Old Songs project. [more inside]
Woe Is Me
Part of my quickly growing Old Songs collection, in which I record songs I wrote many years and even decades ago. This is a somewhat scandalous song about unrequited love. [more inside]
This Dream of Love
Another in my collection of Old Songs, in which I record lo-fi versions of song written many years and, in some cases, decades ago. [more inside]