4 posts tagged with mouthtrumpet.
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Originally by Ani DiFranco; this version, by way of Keller Williams. [more inside]
posted by askmeaboutLOOM on Nov 23, 2009 - 1 comment

Groove for Tomatoes (A Prayer)

A sequel, of sorts. [more inside]
posted by askmeaboutLOOM on May 26, 2009 - 1 comment

Portland, City of Roses, City of Dreams

Ok, so I was playing around with the two-chord song idea, struck on something that sounded nice, and this is the end result. Brought to you by the letters G and D7. [more inside]
posted by kaibutsu on Apr 6, 2009 - 8 comments

Drew Carey Ruined The Price Is Right

I've pinpointed the reason our economy is in shambles. It wasn't the subprime mortgage crisis. It wasn't Bernie Madoff. It wasn't even the president. The moment our global economy collapsed was when Bob Barker retired as game show host. [more inside]
posted by man vs sun on Feb 19, 2009 - 7 comments

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