23 posts tagged with powerpop and rock.
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It's a new power pop composition. It's been a while since I posted a new song, and since this one makes me happy right now, I thought you might like it too. [more inside]
Back on my Back Again
Another slice of 1995 Big Star/Television influenced indie ephemera from my 4-track cassette box. I still really love this guitar riff and the herky jerky power pop stuff at the end of the chorus. A song about not wanting someone to feel bad for dumping you.
When I first heard Sloan, I thought 'man, they stole my sound' although really we both stole Velvet Crush's. [more inside]
Haunted Mansion (demo)
Synthy nerd rock about goth kids who find love at the happiest place on Earth. [more inside]
Forget Regret
song about drugs & cops &tc [more inside]
Open Your Eyes
Another Geese song, this one's new. Wrote it this afternoon. Sounds like I stumbled into a Pearl Jam/Stone Temple Pilots song, circa 1992.
Ah, well. Enjoy. [more inside]
Song for Summer
As I was noodling around with these chords, beautiful summer has arrived here in Seattle. I couldn’t help but look out the window of our little music room at the gorgeous weather, flowers, blue skies, and people having fun on the water and asking myself, what am I doing inside on such a lovely day? And the answer is, writing a song about how I love the summer months as long as I’m safely ensconced indoors and out of the sun. It’s not my fault that I’m borderline translucent and in danger of melting in summer sun like a chocolate bar on the backseat of a car in July. But keep in mind, those of us who prefer it inside, aren’t necessarily anti-summer. We love watching it from the safety of air-conditioned shade. [more inside]
My Chemical Brain
I don’t know crap about this topic but it hasn’t stopped me from having my interest piqued. Specifically, I’m talking about brain chemistry. Both the mechanics of it and the way we manipulate what those mechanics do these days are super interesting. Even more amazing to me is how people’s emotions (usually negative emotions) can be a simple result of a chemical imbalance in their brain. Wow. I realize the drugs we have today are both amazing relative to nothing and very blunt instruments relative to what we’ll have down the road. And while I haven’t tried any of them, I sometimes wonder what people did before they existed. Mostly suffered I suppose. :| [more inside]
Seven Nation Army [White Stripes cover]
Thanks to the inspiration from a terrific link about this song today, I decided I'd give this bad boy a try for myself. Let me know if you like it. And rock on!
Spring (like an idiot, babbling and strewing flowers)
I made some power-pop. It's crunchy. [more inside]
Ask For Me By Name
A little alterna-power-pop from the 90s. [more inside]
Twist and Shout [The Beatles]
Continuing with the theme from yesterday, (and as promised), here's my version of "Twist and Shout." Is it any good? That's for you to decide. I hope it is.
Perhaps "I'll Get You" is next?
Hold Me Tight [The Beatles]
In hono(u)r of the anniversary of the nucleus of the Beatles coming together, I bring you a cover of a song that both Lennon and McCartney derided as not all that good, but I always kinda liked. Maybe tomorrow, I'll upload my version of "Twist and Shout." :-)
Another Geese song. I wrote this for my wife, who was meeting her father for the first time at age 36. Hope you like it!
The Way I Feel
Another Geese song! I wrote this song a little more than ten years for the woman who eventually became my wife. My original recording was simply me and a guitar, neither sounding particularly good. I recently re-recorded it, and, well, hear what happened. For more, you can go to my music site (forgive my self-promotion). Enjoy!
Threshold (demo 5) by the Geese
I've been working on this song for 18 months -- sort of. I have had the whole thing essentially finished that whole time... except for the verse tune. Tonight, I finally got it. Power pop complete with organ solo!
No Title
This is a live version of a song I did with Video, a band I'm no longer in.
Regicide Solution
Here's an unfortunately prescient political power-pop tune I penned in '02, as recorded by Detroit's own rock foursome LISBOA at our (then) modest home studio in our first collective foray into DIY recording. RIFYL: The New Pornographers and dudes/lady-dudes in that vein. Honky tonk piano (emphasis on the "honky"), a Hammond, some e-Bow, a little vibraphone, and a few too many "nah-nah-nah-nahs," but whaddya gonna do, right? Hope you dig it, friends.
Take It From Me
The Archers of Loaf meet the Bay City Rollers in this humble contribution to the grand tradition of cheeky break-up tunes. Terrible puns abound, but you've been warned. From LISBOA's 2003 EP Either Origami, available here for five lousy clams. Crank it up, friends.
My Dictator (Can Beat Up Your Dictator)
Putting the "b" in "subtle," Detroit's LISBOA pens a political power-pop tune that pulls no punches. Alliteration is always awesome. Sounds like: Kansas City's best (i.e., only) Cheap Trick cover band meets Propaghandi at an after-hours bingo parlor. In drag. Dig the horns, dudes and lady-dudes.
Hats, Caps and Notions
Another slice of power-pop rock from LISBOA's self-produced 2005 LP Live from the Grand Hotel Abyss [iTunes link], with a title indirectly inspired by a mefi thread of all things! By the way, you should totally pick up a copy of the mefi compilation CD: it features another track from LISBOA as well as a bunch of great tunes from some genuinely talented mefites, too. Plus, proceeds go to, you know, the kids.
Relaxing Jar
Power-pop tune from Detroit foursome LISBOA.
Montana - Wait
Freebie from their Starsign : Tarantula album. See www.myspace.com/montanamusic
Christmas Is Cancelled (This Year)
Un-seasonal uplifting powerpop from Farrah.