6 posts tagged with violin by OverlappingElvis.
Displaying 1 through 6 of 6.
F9mily (You & Me)
A multi-tracked violin sketch/tiny cover of an excellent song by Lil Nas X that I can't get out of my head.
Attack of the Pasta Party Pirates
An original song by my old band, Selected Letters. Alto Sax, Oboe, Violin, Guitar, Bass, Drums, and a good mix of tight arrangement and improvisation. I miss this band a lot, but it was great while it lasted.
A Song for Dolphins
Another track by Selected Letters (my sadly defunct band). Music by J. Sher and I. Ochs, lyrics by R. Witte. Enjoy!
Classical music meets instrumental tango salsa rock. Live recording from the Ohio Action benefit show, October, Kenyon College. I took the solo on this track, replacing vocals with a violin "guest vocalist."
Shameless Ways
Another cut from my band's demo.
From my band's (The Expert) 2006 demo.