Don't Rush

September 16, 2010 2:46 PM

I wrote and recorded this song in 1992 in Walnut Creek, California near San Francisco. I remember I was preparing to climb Mt. Whitney. I was pretty prolific in my songwriting then. It was about my first girlfriend, and how we pretty much took our time, and spent many years together during our youth in a healthy relationship. I think it's a pretty good example of a formula pop/love song. I hope you like it!

Don't Rush

On that very first night, when I looked in her eyes
She smiled, touching her lips quietly in a hush

She said, "Don't rush, do the things you love"
I said, "Just being with you will always be enough."

On that very first day we walked in the sun
She laughed, spinning around, always having fun

She said, "Don't rush, do the things you love"
I said, "Just being with you will always be enough."

On that very first time I reached out my hand
She blushed, turning to run cried "catch me if you can!"

She said, "Don't rush, do the things you love"
I said, "Just being with you will always be enough."

On that very first dawn, gazing at the sea
she gave the very first wave of her love to me

She said, "Don't rush, do the things you love"
I said, "Just being with you will always be enough."

On that very last night, almost time to part
She cried, touching her lips quietly in a hush

She said, "Don't rush, do the things you love"
I said, "Just being with you would always be enough".
...would always be enough".
...would always be enough".

posted by Disbro (2 comments total)

I really liked the chord progressions in this...
posted by MaiaMadness at 4:31 AM on September 17, 2010

Very nice.
posted by oozy rat in a sanitary zoo at 3:01 PM on September 19, 2010

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