caracola de mar

July 24, 2007 11:51 AM

En una pequeña calle en arles, bernardo sandoval canta.

posted by nicolin (4 comments total)

There is a small festival which takes place in a small street (la rue reattu) of Arles each summer. People attending the concerts are crammed in a small space. The artist has to deal with street noises, engines purring, barking dogs, and so on. Bernardo Sandoval doesn't really sing, but rather whispers. Therefore this recording is more than lo-fi, it is an exercice in listening. For those who prefer seeing than listening only, there is a short video here. I've applied some compression in the middle part to hear more accurately.
posted by nicolin at 11:59 AM on July 24, 2007

Dog as found percussion around the halfway point = high point of my afternoon.
posted by cortex at 2:32 PM on July 24, 2007

Yes, thanks for posting this.
posted by snsranch at 6:14 PM on July 24, 2007

posted by flapjax at midnite at 1:29 AM on July 25, 2007

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