Still In Love

July 5, 2006 11:22 AM

I'm here to move your booty. (From 1999 Planet Vinyl album - booties were moved and the band had nothing left to do.)

posted by imposster (5 comments total) 3 users marked this as a favorite

Needs more girl, less baby.

No, really, why is anyone reading this comment? You should be gyrating uncontrollably right now.
posted by Eideteker at 6:55 PM on July 5, 2006

Not really my thing, but it's extremely well played, with a very good vocal. Sounds very pro, and the gyrating is pretty much unavoidable.
posted by edlundart at 7:58 PM on July 5, 2006

I have fond memories of playing this song at the close of a university variety show hosted in the basketball arena. I sequenced some suspenseful, ambient music that played as we crossed the darkened stage to take up our instruments - our pensive silhouettes moving through the blue-black glow. Without warning, we hit the opening chords as colored lights flashed on-and-off. The houselights came up, the groove set in and students began to get out of their seats and dance in the aisles. [Of course the rest of the show had been acapella renditions of sappy ballads, a martial arts demonstration, and squads of young women moving in synchronization to music from Top 50 radio.] Finally, everyone was on their feet including the chancellor and his wife who made their way up to the front of the crowd below the stage. A part of me was waiting for the credits to start rolling over the B-movie my life became in that moment [maybe staring Rodney Dangerfield as an unlikely undergrad who has to teach an uptight campus to appreciate the joy of life.]

I left the band [amicably] shortly before this version was recorded so you don't hear me playing. I did help to write the music and the shape the form of the song [I especially like the modulating refrain with the chromatic chord progression.] The band went their separate ways shortly thereafter but most of the members are still producing interesting music in diverse locations.
posted by imposster at 9:20 PM on July 5, 2006

Eideteker: None of us, besides the singer, could write lyrics so we did our best to get him to break out of his "girl-baby-love" mode, the result being a song all about how the drummer for Tower of Power [Herman Matthews] was well-known for his delicious peanut brittle [some of which the singer got to sample when he met the guy after a show.]

"One pound of sugar, two pounds of funk.
Spicing your groove buds was his plan."

He's got the recipe to make you and me happy.
In a small brown bag with a black and white tag,
Saying: Little Herman's Peanut Brittle"
posted by imposster at 9:35 PM on July 5, 2006

Man, both the drummer and the sax player should be shot. This needs a massive beat behind it to make up for the wah-wah disco, otherwise it's hard to order the gyrations. The keys are nice, if a little smooth, and the break is great. Beware of synth strings though...
And y'all should probably write Jamiriqui (or however you spell it) a check. Which would balance out, because they have to sign over all their money to Stevie Wonder.
posted by klangklangston at 9:11 AM on July 6, 2006

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