joe's last mix

November 6, 2009 8:10 AM

A fantastic piece of symphonic music with deep connections to electronica, joe's last mix by Tanner Menard is a fun ride (this performance is by one of my ensembles with me conducting). I've posted this before, but he and I are doing something different with the piece, and I'm wondering if any of you are interested in participating....

We've decided to release the performance materials and recordings free, under a Creative Commons license, and launched a new kind of composition contest: we are seeking remixes of this piece, either electronic or composed. The best composed remixes will be recorded by some of the finest university ensembles in the country (favors from friends), and the best electronic remixes will be featured on the site and in subsequent press about the experiment.

Though this is different from the music normally shared here, I would value any input you all have to offer, and would love it if someone wanted to create a remix! All materials, details, and a couple of other performance recordings can be found here.

posted by LooseFilter (1 comment total) 1 user marked this as a favorite

Perhaps not the comment you're looking for, but I can completely see this performed by a drum corps. Nice work, thanks. Now I have to go check out the post from 2006!
posted by haunted by Leonard Cohen at 8:34 PM on November 7, 2009

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