Robot Army

November 13, 2009 1:24 AM

A little robot dreams of world domination.

posted by gmm (4 comments total) 8 users marked this as a favorite

OMG that would be the cutest world domination EVAR. I, for one, welcome our adorable overlords.
posted by not_on_display at 4:07 AM on November 13, 2009

This is really good :) hehe it makes me think of EVE and WALL-E What program do you use to make you music...
posted by Greynaab at 8:42 PM on November 13, 2009

Thanks! Greynaab, it's done in Apple's Logic Studio.
posted by gmm at 4:42 AM on November 15, 2009

This song is perfect. Such exact production, and so enjoyable to listen to. Well done!
posted by zhaytee at 12:31 AM on November 23, 2009

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