Sundre Says

May 27, 2015 11:18 AM

Home demo for a future studio recording. An atmospheric tune about driving at night through small-town Canada. Lyrics below the fold.

Routes fade, headlights out
Slow engine's sails set
Two lane roundabout

Four million white dots
Arranged in a set
Surrender my thoughts
'til words mean less

"And time won't lie. Time won't lie," Sundre says.

Due West and outward bound
En Route 27
Still waving in my mind

Four million nights down
Where the Gulfstream rests
To the Barren Ground
And the warning North

Sundre says.

posted by mykescipark (8 comments total) 2 users marked this as a favorite

You have a great voice, especially when it goes higher. The guitar has a real 90's Britpop sound a la The Verve to me. What do you plan on doing differently in the studio, if anything? More drums?
posted by Corduroy at 1:04 PM on May 27, 2015

There will be drums, indeed, and pedal steel is also part of the band, so that will be providing some more lovely floaty ambience somewhere in the mix. This is just a proof-of-concept for the vocal arrangement, more than anything else. And yes, in terms of the sound, I definitely hear a late-'80s alternative Britpop sound in there, along the lines of Pale Saints or Echo and the Bunnymen or Kitchens of Distinction. Thanks for your kind words!
posted by mykescipark at 2:36 PM on May 27, 2015 [1 favorite]

Also, all these demos are acoustic guitar and shaker, but invariably some of these will end up as electric tracks.
posted by mykescipark at 2:39 PM on May 27, 2015

Nice! For whatever reason it kicks a sort of late 90s college rock part of my brain; I feel like I've got a reference on the tip of my tongue but I can't pin it down. Interesting to think where pedal would go in this.
posted by cortex at 11:41 PM on June 1, 2015

I'm glad this ended up on the podcast because I'm afraid I would have missed it otherwise. Really like the arrangement a lot.
posted by MCMikeNamara at 11:39 AM on June 3, 2015

Oh, it's in the podcast? Thanks!
posted by mykescipark at 11:53 AM on June 3, 2015

(I see the "Featured Track" icon now.)
posted by mykescipark at 11:53 AM on June 3, 2015

Yep, I snuck a few seconds in for one of the transition bumpers. I go and edit in the "featured track" thing for songs I use after I get the whole thing posted, so that's only been there for a little bit now.
posted by cortex at 11:55 AM on June 3, 2015

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