Le Bouquet Magique

September 18, 2015 5:13 AM

This is another arrangement of a video game, but this time I wrote the original, as a Nintendo-compatible authentic chiptune, and then later turned it into this by improvising on piano, and sending it to my dear friend Jeff to play violin over it. My job BEST JOB OF WORLD.

posted by jake (2 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite

BTW, I transposed the key of the original chiptune with the fore-knowledge that I'd record it live, and it sounded weird for a while, but I got used to it and I think you'll agree that it has some feels in whatever fucking key it's in.

This is to illustrate my points in this thread on the blue, making this maybe the first usage ever of the Argumentum ad Mefimusicum fallacy.
posted by jake at 5:22 AM on September 18, 2015 [1 favorite]

I like it! And I like it even more now that I know the context.
posted by brainwane at 1:02 PM on September 23, 2015

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