
October 26, 2015 10:18 PM

I am aiming for "grand, yet subdued". I see all sorts of magnificent people and dignified creatures parading slowly by.

I was noodling with the keyboard absent-mindedly while surfing the web, probably reading MetaFilter. I stumbled upon a neat pattern, and messed around with it while recording it. Then I couldn't figure out what to do with it, so I let it languish in the "ongoing projects" folder for about 6 months. I moved to a different apartment, set up my music room, opened up the folder and there it was, and my mind immediately knew what to do with it. I reverse engineered the chords so I could strum along with the geetar, added some flourishes here and there, and finished it up relatively quickly. I think it's probably the prettiest thing I've recorded.

posted by not_on_display (3 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite

I really like this. It needs to end up on the soundtrack of a sweet indie film, happening at the point where our hero thinks that all is lost and it's hanging heavy over them.
posted by greenish at 6:42 AM on October 27, 2015 [1 favorite]

Nice and moody, n_o_d. I dig it.
posted by umbú at 7:14 PM on October 28, 2015 [1 favorite]

posted by not_on_display at 9:06 PM on October 28, 2015

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