MeMu favorites
created by Lexica on Dec-31-14 at 7:37 PM
- I'm Waiting for the Man by flapjax at midnite
- Thou Shalt Always Filter by chrismear
- HoverBoardzzzz by CarrotAdventure
- Jeff Buckley's Ozark Melody by joetrip
- The Wassail Song by usonian
- Silent Night by roll truck roll
- O Magnum Mysterium by chara
- Huron Carol by antifreez_
- Three by Moistener
- (don't fear the) reaper by kimyo
- The Worst Things by chococat
- Punch 'Em In The Dick (NSFW lyrics) by mediocre
- Fame by chococat
- Ode to a Buttered Cat by cortex
- Walking on Sunshine by chococat
- Margaritahell by cortex
- Growler by chococat
- Mele Kalikimaka by chococat
- Jingle Rock Bell by Lentrohamsanin
- Homeless Jesus Creeps Me Out by flapjax at midnite
- Blues Wrapped Round My Head (live, 2010) by flapjax at midnite
- Love That Makes Me Laugh by quonsar II: smock fishpants and the temple of foon
- Baking Powder Blues by BlackPebble
- The long queue by cicadaverse
- Old ship church by cicadaverse
- october by cicadaverse
- partytime by CarrotAdventure
- You Might Remember When We Performed, For Example by ageispolis
- Next Year's Gotta Be Better Than This One by cortex
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